Monday, October 20, 2008

how will Obama govern?

Many conservatives fear, even dread the possibility of a Democratic administration and a Democratic majority in the House and the Senate. "Obama will run wild with Reid and Pelosi pushing him" is the common refrain on the Wall Street Journal editorial page. The National Review speculates daily about the far-left taking over America and turning us into some cream-puff socalists (Need we remind them the Bush administration has presided over the largest expansion of government since FDR and the largest market intrevention since the Great Depression?) and The Weekly Standard is convinced we migh as well move to Sweeden.

John Mecham, author of, "American Gospel" wrote in the latest NEWSWEEK the following, 

He argues, "If you compare the Democratic Party to European Labor, in lots of ways [the Democrats] look quite conservative," says Wooldridge. Will a Democratic administration, he asks, "ban handguns? No. Will it throw its weight behind legalizing gay marriage in every state? No. So even if you have, as we will, a Democratic Washington, America will remain a fundamentally conservative country."

Despite all the hysteria, America will not cease to exsist as we know it come an Obama presidency

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