After a noon time field trip to purchase some Patagonia Capeline 3 long underwear (Which would save my life), a crazy drive through experience at In-and-Out burger, and going back for some forgotten essentials the crew (Dubbed the bad news bears of climbers) hit the road.
Just passed Shaver we decided it was time to gear up, the snow was falling, some of it was sticking, and jeans and cotton T's just weren't getting it done. In true Christmas Story fashion we layer up for the final push.
Passing random campers and mossy oak clad rednecks we made our way past the camp grounds at Courtright, instead opting for the top of the first dome east of the dam. A quarter mile scramble by headlamp in what felt like single digits landed us on frozen tundra, exposed to winterly winds.

After discovering the zippers on our three season tent (Which had a fly) worked about as well as the bailout package, Messrs. Brown and Barrows trekked there and back again with a four season tent held in reserve (No fly).
Standing idly my bones were cold.
As fast as the tent went up, it came back down. It seems in the cold and dark we managed to misassemble this "Bomb proof" shelter. On take three Larry, Curly Mo and Shemp figured it out.
3 in and one to go, we were out of room in our cozy nylon shield. Last man in, first man out. Mr. Barrows at this point decides to take his down bag and every piece of clothing he owns into the wild.

A cold night night inside the tent must have been ridiculous outside of it. Winds hit mid 20 mph and the mercury was shorter than a Brittany Spears marriage.
Saturday we climbed.

I had a grueling 5 setter of tennis this weekend. My little toe cramped up and I got a blister on my hand. Should I send pictures next time?
don't hate
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