Friday, October 10, 2008

Brooks on the bankruptcy of republican ideas

David Brooks in his column today walks through the bankruptcy of republicanism since Ronald Regan. Not that I would ever claim to be ahead of Brooks, but I said this yesterday in my thoughts on the debate. That probably tells you two things 1) I can blog and work at the same time and 2) I read too much. 


Dr. Evil said...

I am not sure what Brooks is saying here. Sometimes I get that with him. Like wow, I think I read something deep, but I don't really know what it was. Republicans still stand for free markets and free peoples. These are things that the coasts do not agree with. There is plenty of intellectualism with the right. (ie Commentary, WSJ...) and there is plenty of anti-intellectualism with the left.(unions...)

The Republican party was hurt by Bush and Congress abandoning their principles. The principles are still correct._

Donald said...

republicans are no longer conservatives, that's the point. they don't stand for free markets, McCain him self offered a plan to buy back bad loans, he supported the Paulson plan and the previous bailout's; he's the party's nominee for president! the CRA is a nice landing point for the blame, but the republicans are offering the same ideas as solutions!!

and to free peoples; these are the people who didn't want to get involved in Bosnia or Ruwanada, they won't get involved in Sudan or Thailand, not in Tibet or Sri Lanka, they'll call out Al-Qaeda but not the Tamil Tigers. Saddam Hussien and Kim Jong-il must go, but the Saudi's can stay?

first they were against nation building as core a tenet of their ideology, but Petreaus, who's sole contribution is nation building is the greatest general since Ike? i posted the new army field manual: its all about "stability operations"!

this from the guys who shouted down Clinton for firing cruise missles at bin laden in Africa and sending peace keeps to Kosovo...

these aren't conservatives. either you meddle equally or not at all, either your for freedom or self interest. there is no sometimes this and another time that, then your a pragmatist or an opportunist.

i agree conservatism still has virtue, but republicans aren't conservatives anymore.