Wednesday, October 1, 2008

painful palin

it is painful to watch Palin in this interview, i mean really, at what point did some one say "yeah, this is a good idea"?


The Underground Mind said...

It is just brutal. I want to love her, but it is like a 100 car pile up. When asked what newspapers she reads, she replied, "All of them." She flat out has had no time or interest in much outside of her job and family which is fine...unless you are running for president.

I think this race is over. It will be Obama by a landslide. This Palin thing does make me question McCain's judgement.

Tomorrow night will probably be the death blow.

Anonymous said...

The "What Palin should say" article is right on. Her party either needs to get rid of her(too late) or stop putting her on the chopping block. She has no experience and will get hammered every time she opens her mouth. So here's my plan. Hide her away a bit and let her off the hook by letting her say more often...."I don't know". She has to be brave and feel comfortable with what she does and doesn't know rather than blather on and on. I think Obama's gonna run away with it anyway though. He's being smart not to go after hur purty little jugular. I don't think americans would like him picking on a lady.

Donald said...
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Anonymous said...

Come over her in about fifteen. I can actually go now.

Donald said...

let me see if i can take an early lunch

The Chairman said...

noon is fine too. don't get in trouble.