Thursday, October 9, 2008

the worst of America

these videos were posted on a Economist magazine blog. They put recent comments at McCain/Palin rallies into a new context. people really are nasty creatures, wholly sinful, capable of nothing good apart from the saving grace of Christ. the scariest part, there are a lot of "christians" in those crowds.


Dr. Evil said...

Give me a break Donald. This was a Micheal Moore hit peice. Where is the article on ACORN committing massive voter fraud. What do you think is worse? Take the people from CNBC and ask them if they think George W. is a terrorist.

Donald said...

are you kidding me?

what does ACORN have to do with anything?

do you know anyone who works for ACORN?

have you ever been to an ACORN event?

this is the most overplayed line in history...

voter fraud.

the mobs at these events are despicable, this isn't a hack job; they're real people acting like this.

these videos are from the Economist Magazine, an editor posted them on their site...a real hack job organization...